Architecting Agile
For development and organizations
Get fleet-footed in software, research, and management with standups, stories, backlogs, and scrum practices

Designing Experience
User-centered experience design
Optimize services and systems for users through experiential research, persona development, and information architecture

Regenerating Enterprise
Sustainability and beyond
Helping biophilic enterprises use regenerative design to turn waste into profit and shift to generative economics

Catalyzing Innovation
For products, services, & portfolios
Unleashing creative potential in staff and design teams using research-backed patterns from nature and bioculture
Latest Projects
Making Healthcare Effective
Strategics and process engineering.
Mobile App Dev
Recruited & coached 12-person scrum.
State Website Redesign
Reorganized 30K - from bureaucracy to usability.
Team Innovation
Facilitated high-performing creativity in teams.
Optimizing Small Business
Vertical sourcing for organic futon maker.